Tag Archives: dates

The Dates are Set – June 2nd – 11th

We have our plan finally taking shape.  Wes, Kevin and I all got together via Skype (video update coming soon) and figured out the days for our first trip.  We will be going from Chicago to The Badlands on June 2nd.  The entire trip should take about 8-10 days and we are going to do our best to update everyone along the way.

It didn’t take much but this simple meeting has reinvigorated me for this trip.  It reminds me of a great lesson that can apply to almost any aspect of my life.  When I get bogged down and start to feel like my wheels are spinning, get everything moving forward again with a deadline.  It doesn’t have to be a final deadline but even a recognition of your next milestone.

Now our next step is getting everything ready for the trip and getting our route down.  We are trying to consider all our options for camping so we can do this trip as in touch with the outdoors as possible.  We are also looking at opportunities for charity work along the way.  Some of these options will depend on our route but we should be considering these possibilities as well.

If anyone has contact with someone that could use three Marines’ service or just want to hear a good story between Chicago and The Badlands please reach out to us through this blog.